Edgewater Farm

247 Route 12A (River Road) Plainfield, NH Phone: 603-298-5764

PYO Crops: Strawberries and raspberries.
Season: early June and to early-to-mid-July
Hours: Call ahead for picking dates and hours
Also: Farmstand with locally grown produce
Riverview Farm

141 River Road Plainfield, NH Phone: 603-298-8519

PYO Crops; Apples, fall raspberries (yellow & red), pumpkins & blueberries, Oriental corn, squash, gourds, sunflowers, dried flowers and more!
Hours: Open: September 1-October 31, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Also: Corn maze; hay rides on the weekends, weather permitting; haunted maze. Email: Nancy.J.Franklin@valley.net
King Blossom Farm

834 Dunbar Hill Road Grantham, MA Phone: 603-863-6125

PYO Crops: Apples, blueberries, raspberries (red). Apple varieties: Heirloom McIntosh, Heirloom Red Delicious, Jonathan, Cortland, Rambo (a very popular French dessert apple).
Season: Consult farm website for picking dates and hours. Email: summerrambo@comcast.net